import Image
from IPython.display Image(filename='1.png')
This page contains my reading notes on
Problem definition:
For a given n \times n doubly stochastic matrix X^{\star} and an \epsilon \geq 0, our goal is to find a small collection of permutation matrices P_{1}, P_{2}, \ldots, P_{k}, and weights \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, \ldots, \theta_{k} with \sum_{i=1}^{k}\theta_{i} \leq 1 such that \lVert X^{\star} - \sum_{i=1}^{k}\theta_{i}P_{i} \rVert_{F} \leq \epsilon.
- When applied to vectors or matrices, +, -, \cdot are all element-wise operations and we write x < (\leq, >, \geq ) y when all elements of x are < (\leq, >, \geq) of all elements of y.
- Doubly stochastic matrix: a doubly stochastic matrix is a square matrix of non-negative real numbers, each of whose rows and columns sums to 1.
- Frobenius norm: \lVert X \rVert_{F} = \sqrt{\sum_{i, j}\vert X(i, j) \vert^2}, which is the same as the l2 norm of a vector: \lVert x \rVert_{2} = \sqrt{\sum_{i}\vert x(i) \vert^2}
- Convex hull \mathrm{conv}(A): The convex hull of set A (\mathrm{conv}(A)) is the smallest convex set that contains set A.
- Birkhoff polytope \mathcal{B}: the convex set that contains all doubly stochastic matrices of size n \times n.
- Permutation matrices \mathcal{P}: the extreme points of the Birkhoff polytope.
- Linear program \mathrm{LP}(c, \mathcal{X}): minimize c^{T}x, subject to x \in \mathcal{X}. We assume that the solution returned is always an extreme point (x \in \mathcal{P} if \mathcal{X} = \mathcal{B}).
- Birkhoff step: \mathrm{STEP}(X^{\star}, X_{k-1}, P_{k}) = \min_{a,b}\{(X^{\star}(a, b) - X_{k-1}(a,b) - 1)P_{k}(a,b) + 1\}. It computes the step size (weight) by taking the minimum non-zero element of the difference matrix (masked by the permutation matrix P_{k}) between X^{\star} and X.
Algorithms (All matrices (X) are represented using vectors (x) by stacking the matrix columns)
General Birkhoff algorithm (Algorithm 1, 2 and 3)
- x_{0} = 0, k = 0
- while \lVert x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2} > \epsilon and k \leq k_{max} do
- \alpha \gets (1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\theta_{i}) \mathbin{/} n^2 // (Why this value)
- p_{k} \gets p \in \mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha) // Get next permutation matrix
- \theta_{k} \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_k) // Get next weight based on the new permutation matrix
- x_{k} \gets x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}p_{k}
- k \gets k + 1
- end while
- return (p_{1}, \ldots, p_{k-1}), (\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k-1})
- n is the size of X^{\star} and d=n^2 is the number of elements in X^{\star}.
- \mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha) =\{P \in \mathcal{P} \mid X_{k-1}(a,b) + \alpha P(a,b) \leq X^{\star}(a,b) \}.
- If P_{k} \in \mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha), then (X^{\star} - X_{k-1}) \cdot P_{k} \geq \alpha, (each element of the difference matrix between X^{\star} and X_{k-1} masked by P_{k} is \geq \alpha).
- Since \mathrm{STEP}(X^{\star}, X_{k-1}, P_{k}) is taking the minimum of non-zero element of (X^{\star} - X_{k-1}) \cdot P_{k} (definition 7), \mathrm{STEP}(X^{\star}, X_{k-1}, P_{k}) \geq \alpha
- Due to the definitions of \mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha) and \mathrm{STEP}, x_{k} \leq x^{\star} all the time.
- Birkhoff algorithm can be seen as constructing a path from the origin (x_{0} = 0) to x^{\star} while always remaining in a dotted box, where x_{0} and x^{\star} are two diagonal vertices of the box (x_{k} \leq x^{\star}).
- General Birkhoff algorithm doesn’t specify which specific permutation to select from \mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha).
Classic Birkhoff algorithm (Algorithm 4)
- x_{0} = 0, k = 0
- while \lVert x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2} > \epsilon and k \leq k_{max} do
- p_k \gets \mathrm{LP}(-\lceil x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rceil, \mathcal{B}).
- \theta_{k} \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_k)
- x_{k} \gets x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}p_{k}
- k \gets k + 1
- end while
- return (p_{1}, \ldots, p_{k-1}), (\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k-1})
- The only slight difference is line 3, which is essentially doing the same thing with general Birkhoff algorithm.
- Since x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \in [0, 1], its ceiling (\lceil x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rceil) makes all nonzero elements to be 1, which makes \mathrm{LP} treat all nonzero elements equally.
Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm (Algorithm 5)
- x_{0} \in \mathcal{P}, k = 0
- while \lVert x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2} > \epsilon and k \leq k_{max} do
- p_k \gets \mathrm{LP}(-(x^{\star} - x_{k-1}), \mathcal{B}) // Get the next extreme point
- \theta_{k} \gets (x^{\star} - x_{k-1})^{T}(p_{k} - x_{k-1}) \mathbin{/} \lVert p_{k} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2}^{2} // Calculate the step size
- x_{k} \gets x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}(p_{k} - x_{k-1}) // Update x
- k \gets k + 1
- end while
- return (p_{1}, \ldots, p_{k-1}), (\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k-1})
- The assumption of the FW algorithm is that there always exists an extreme point in the Birkhoff polytope (permutation matrix p_{k}) that is a direction (p_{k} - x_{k-1}) in which it is possible to improve the objective function.
- Since each extreme point of the Birkhoff polytope is an permutation matrix and thus the each step size can be considered as the weight of the permutation matrix, FW algorithm can be used to solve Birkhoff problem.
- The paper selects the objective function to be f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \lVert x - x^{\star} \rVert_{2}^{2}, which measures the square of the l_{2} norm of the difference between the current matrix x_{k} and the objective matrix x^{\star}.
- The solving of \mathrm{LP} at line 3 is essentially trying to find an extreme point p_{k} in the Birkhoff polytope by solving {\mathrm{argmin}_{u \in \mathcal{P}}}\nabla f(x_{k-1})^{T}u, in which \nabla f(x_{k-1}) = -(x^{\star} - x_{k-1}).
- The way to calculate \theta_{k} at line 4 is derived by solving f(x_{k}) - f(x_{k-1}).
- Note at line 5 x_{k} = x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}(p_{k} - x_{k-1}) = (1 - \theta)x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}p_{k}, so x_{k} is still a linear combination of permutation matrices.
- Difference with the Birkhoff algorithm:
- FW uses a random extreme point instead of 0 as the starting point, since it requires x_{k} \in \mathcal{B} at all time.
- FW does not require that x_{k} \leq x^{\star} and thus x^{\star} can be approximated from any direction.
Fully Corrective Frank-Wolfe (Algorithm 6)
- FCFW provides the best approximation with the number of extreme points selected up to iteration k
Birkhoff+ algorithm (Algorithm 7)
- x_{0} = 0, k = 0
- while \lVert x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2} > \epsilon and k \leq k_{max} do
- \alpha \gets (1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k-1} \theta_i) \mathbin{/} n^2
- p_{k} \gets \mathrm{LP}(\nabla f_{\beta}(x_{k-1}), \mathrm{conv}(\mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha)))
- \theta_{k} \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_k)
- x_{k} \gets x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}p_{k}
- k \gets k + 1
- end while
- return (p_{1}, \ldots, p_{k-1}), (\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k-1})
- Birkhoff+ combines Birkhoff algorithm and FW algorithm. This approach wants to use the path or permutations that FW would select while remaining in the box that characterizes the Birkhoff’s approach.
- The only real difference between Birkhoff+ and Birkhoff is the way to compute p_{k} (line 4).
- f_{\beta}(x) = f(x) - \beta \sum_{j=1}^{d} \log(x^{\star}(j) - x(j) + \frac{\epsilon}{d}), which consists f(x) (same as what is used in FW) and - \beta \sum_{j=1}^{d} \log(x^{\star}(j) - x(j) + \frac{\epsilon}{d}) (the barrier).
- The barrier is a penalty term that restricts the x_{k} to always remain in the Birkhoff box.
- If we ignore \frac{\epsilon}{d} and \beta, -\sum_{j=1}^{d} \log(x^{\star}(j) - x(j)) \to \infty if any x^{\star}(j) \approx x(j). That is, the penalty will be very high if any of the element of x is closed to x^{\star}.
- Since x_{0} = 0 < x^{\star} at the starting point and the barrier will prevent all elements of x getting closed to x^{\star}, the barrier can prevent x > x^{\star}.
- \beta is a hyper-parameter that balances the objective function and the barrier. In the code, it is tuned smaller and smaller as the x_{k} is getting closed to x^{\star}.
- \frac{\epsilon}{d} is used to avoid \log \to \infty.
- The barrier is a penalty term that restricts the x_{k} to always remain in the Birkhoff box.
- \mathrm{LP}(\nabla f_{\beta}(x_{k-1}), \mathrm{conv}(\mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha))) = \mathrm{LP}(\nabla f_{\beta}(x_{k-1}) + b_{k}, \mathcal{B}), where b_{k} = \frac{\epsilon}{d} \cdot \mathbb{1}(x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \leq \alpha) is a penalty vector to force the solver to do not select the elements of vector (x^{\star} - x_{k}) smaller than \alpha.
- For all elements of vector (x^{\star} - x_{k}) smaller than \alpha, b_{k} = \frac{\epsilon}{d}. Otherwise, b_{k} = 0.
Birkhoff+ (max_rep) algorithm (Algorithm 8)
- x_{0} = 0, k = 0
- while \lVert x^{\star} - x_{k-1} \rVert_{2} > \epsilon and k \leq k_{max} do
- \alpha \gets (1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k-1} \theta_i) \mathbin{/} n^2
- for i = 1,\ldots, \mathrm{max\_rep} do
- p_{i} \gets \mathrm{LP}(\nabla f_{\beta}(x_{k-1}), \mathrm{conv}(\mathcal{I}_{k}(\alpha)))
- \theta_{i} \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_{k})
- if (\theta_{i} > \alpha) \alpha \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_{k})
- else exit while loop
- p_{k} \gets p_{i}
- end for
- \theta_{k} \gets \mathrm{STEP}(x^{\star}, x_{k-1}, p_k)
- x_{k} \gets x_{k-1} + \theta_{k}p_{k}
- k \gets k + 1
- end while
- return (p_{1}, \ldots, p_{k-1}), (\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k-1})
- Instead of using a constant \alpha, Birkhoff+ (max_rep) searches the largest \alpha in each iteration by alternatively updating \alpha and p_{k} until \alpha cannot be updated larger or \mathrm{max\_rep} iterations is reached.
- Larger \alpha \to larger \theta \to less number of permutation matrices.
- \alpha is set to be the largest step size (weight from \mathrm{STEP} function) found so far.
import Image
from IPython.display Image(filename='2.png')
Source code with comment
using JuMP
using Clp
using Random
using SparseArrays
# functionsBD.jl
struct polytope
@doc raw"""
Solve a linear programing problem
function LP(c, P)
@objective(P.model, Min, c'* P.x)
return value.(P.x)
@doc raw"""
Get a random stochastic matrix
function randomDoublyStochasticMatrix(n; num_perm=n^2)
= zeros(n, n);
M = rand(num_perm)
= α / sum(α);
for i = 1:num_perm
= randperm(n);
perm for j = 1:n
+= α[i];
M[perm[j], j] end
return M;
@doc raw"""
Create Birkhoff polytope ``\mathcal{B}`` (Section V-A), which contains all possible doublely stochastic matrices.
Since the paper assumes that the solutions by solving linear programs over are Birkhoff polytope extreme points,
the solutions are permutation matrices (which are also doublely stochastic).
function birkhoffPolytope(n)
# x is a doublely stochastic matrix that is represented by a vector (flattened).
# Use a constant matrix A(M') and a constant vector b to specify that x is doublely stochastic.
= zeros(n*n, 2*n);
M # Specify the sum of each row of x equals to 1
for i = 1:n
-1)*n*n + (i-1)*n + 1 : (i-1)*n*n + (i-1)*n + n] = ones(n,1);
# Specify the sum of each col of x equals to 1
for i = 1:n
for j=1:n
*n*n + (i-1)*n*n + (j-1)*n + i] = 1;
= sparse(M');
A = ones(2*n);
= Model(Clp.Optimizer)
model set_silent(model)
@variable(model, 0 <= x[1:n*n] <= 1)
@constraint(model, A * x .== b)
return polytope(A, b, 0, 1, model, x)
# stepsizes.jl
@doc raw"""
Get the step size (weight) by taking the minimum non-zero entry of the difference matrix
(masked by the permutation matrix y) between x_star and x.
function getBirkhoffStepSize(x_star, x, y)
return minimum((x_star - x).*y - (y.-1));
# extremepoints.jl
@doc raw"""
Birkhoff+ (max_rep) Psudocode line 4-10
function getEPBplus(x_star, x, B, max_rep, ε)
= sqrt(size(x_star, 1))
n = size(x_star, 1);
d = 1;
i = 0;
y = 0;
while(i <= max_rep)
# Calculate \beta for this iteration.
# \beta should become smaller and smaller.
= Int16.(x_star - x .> ε)
z = getBirkhoffStepSize(x_star, x, z)
s = (s + ε/d)*0.5
# c is the gradient of the objective function with barrier.
# b is an iterm added to make I_k(\alpha) to be B (Birkhoff polytope).
# See the paragraph in section VI.B after Corollary 2 for b.
= -ones(d) + beta ./ (x_star - x .+ ε/d)
c = (n/ε).*Int16.(x_star - x .<= α)
b = LP(c + b, B);
# If new solution (y_iter) makes objective function larger/worse (c'*y_iter > c'*y_z),
# fall back to the solution from the last iteration (y_z/x).
= x;
y_z if(c'*y_iter > c'*y_z)
= y_z
y_iter end
# \alpha should be the largest step size found.
# Algorithm terminates when \alpha doesn't increase
= getBirkhoffStepSize(x_star, x, y_iter);
α_iter if(α < α_iter)
= α_iter;
α = y_iter;
y else
return y;
= i + 1;
i end
return y
getEPBplus (generic function with 1 method)
# birkdecomp.jl
@doc raw"""
Birkhoff+ (max_rep)
function birkdecomp(X, ε=1e-12; max_rep=1)
= size(X, 1); # get size of Birkhoff polytope
n = reshape(X, n*n); # reshape doubly stochastic to vector
x_star = birkhoffPolytope(n); # Birkhoff polytope
B = max(ε, 1e-15); # fix the maximum minimum precision
ε = (n-1)^2 + 1;
= zeros(n*n); # initial point
= zeros(n*n, max_iter); # extreme points (permutation) matrix
extreme_points = zeros(max_iter); # weights vector
θ = Inf; # approximation error
approx = 1; # iteration index
while(approx > ε)
# Get next extreme point
= getEPBplus(x_star, x, B, max_rep, ε)
y # Get next weight (step size)
= getBirkhoffStepSize(x_star, x, y)
θi # Update x_k
= x + θi*y;
x # Store the new weight
= θi;
# Update the Frobenius norm
= sqrt(sum((abs.(x_star-x)).^2));
# Store the new extreme point matrix
:,i] = y;
extreme_points[= i + 1;
i end
return extreme_points[:, 1:i-1], θ[1:i-1]
birkdecomp (generic function with 2 methods)
# Generate a random doubly stochastic matrix (n is the dimension)
= 3;
n = randomDoublyStochasticMatrix(n);
x = birkdecomp(x);
P, w
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0607488 0.590595 0.348656
0.70177 0.0291194 0.269111
0.237482 0.380286 0.382233
9×5 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5-element Array{Float64,1}:
= zeros(n, n)
x_new for i=1:length(w)
= x_new + w[i] * reshape(P[:, i], n, n)
x_new end
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0607488 0.590595 0.348656
0.70177 0.0291194 0.269111
0.237482 0.380286 0.382233